ISTA 116: Statistical Foundations for the Information Age

Data is everywhere in the modern world. Each of us has access to data on virtually any topic imaginable via the internet, and public and private institutions are making use of data in decision-making more than ever before. This trend will only accelerate. However, access to data is not the same thing as access to information. The purpose of this course is to develop some of the foundational skills needed to consume data and create information. The main theme in the course is understanding the variability inherent in data, and the inherent uncertainty associated with conclusions drawn from data.

Time and Place

Monday/Wednesday 4:30pm - 5:45pm in Saguaro Hall, Room 202

Tues 12:00 - 1:50 in ECE 229 (with Richard)
Tues 2:00 - 3:50 in ECE 229 (with Nathan)
Tues 4:00 - 5:50 in Shantz 338 (with Nathan)


Mihai Surdeanu
msurdeanu AT email DOT arizona DOT edu
Office: Gould-Simpson 811
Office Hours: M 9:15 - 10:30 and W 12 - 1:30

Teaching Assistants

Nathan Dykhuis
ndykhuis AT cs DOT arizona DOT edu
Office: Gould-Simpson 918
Office Hours: M/W 3:30 - 4:30

Richard Reilly
richardr AT email DOT arizona DOT edu
Office: Gould-Simpson 856
Office Hours: Tue 2:30 - 4 and F 12:30 - 2

Important Dates

Midterm: March 6th
Term paper: April 26th
Final: May 3rd
For homework and web assignment due dates see the syllabus.